Sunday 5 August 2007


Yesterday, I heard a customer, about 3 feet behind me, say to their friend/relative/guide dog "Let's ask this young lady for help.".

There are a few things I thought were wrong with this statement

1) Customer thought I was female. I am male. There is definitely something quite incorrect here.

2) Customer called me "young...". When a customer calls me "young man", I get fucking angry. I work there, I put up with their bollocks, and hence I deserve the respect to be called "sir" or "this man".

3) They used the "Passive Request" technique. I also call this the Mousy Coward technique. It involves a customer making it very obvious that they are too thick to solve their own problems, without them actually asking for help.

Understandably, I was quite angry with this fucking moron, so I acted accordingly.

Now would be a good time to mention that the garden centre I work at is a big place. It takes old people hours, sometimes months (!) to finish what they set out to do there.

So I helped this woman. I told her to wait where she was for 10 minutes, and if no-one showed up, to go to information, right by the entrance. That's a good 20 minutes of this old bat's day that I wasted.

It's okay though, because she looked like she probably supports seal-clubbing.

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